Monday, April 18, 2005

Six Sour Cream Burritos!

It is rather fitting that Jason introduced us to his blog, King Leo’s Poetry Corner, by likening it to a “coming out party,” because if blogs could possess a sexual disposition, his would bursting at the seams with homosexuality. I mean, how can you trust a guy who’s middle name is Lester?

And as one decent analogy deserves a much more superior one, Jason’s blog is like waking up on Christmas morning to find that it’s not really Christmas morning at all--rather 4:00 p.m. the day after St. Patty’s when you wake up in a reservoir of your own fecal matter next to a guy named “Griff” (that’s right... I went there).

I also have it on good authority that it was, instead, Jason’s wife who had to suffer through the extended DVD version (with a deleted scene featuring a nude cameo by Winona Judd) of Ya-Ya with him, and not vice versa.

It’s not as much Jason, as it is his lackluster acceptance, nay, embracing of popular culture at large; his stance on the work of M. Night Shyamalan tells us as much. Also his top-secret Ashlee Simpson website was recently voted #31 with respect to that particular web-ring. Come clean, man!

But perhaps I am being too hard on him. After all, it was he who regaled me for hours on end by reenacting the climatic scenes of Mighty Ducks on the N64 game, “Wayne Gretzky’s 3D Hockey.” That he could do this so convincingly is one of the overarching reasons he is still alive.

And that’s good enough for me.

For now.

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