Monday, August 08, 2005

The Deliciously Awkward Pontius Feeb

A debt of gratitude to Jason, another excerpt from Mike Nelson's "Death Rat!":

"So, Ralph, where are we going to get these turkeys?" said Ponty.

"Oh, just a little farther now, to a place I know near Round Lake. You got to go where the turkeys are, you know?"

"That's for sure," said Ponty confidently.

"Have you hunted them before?"


"You've handled a bow, though, haven't you?"

"Oh, yeah. A little," he said, thinking back to a suction-cup bow-and-arrow set he'd had as a child.

"It's a little tricky with turkeys. They've got keen eyesight for movement, so a lot of times you'll have to hold the draw a good while before you've got a clean shot."

"Right," said Ponty, without having a basic understanding of what was just said.

"And you'll want to go for a shot at his spine, or else they can just run off, and you'll never find 'em."

"So spine shots?" said Ponty, rubbing his hands on his knees.

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