Tuesday, January 24, 2006

I'm Totally Self-Reliant . . . Now

Since apparently there are about a million other people with the name "Andrew Allen"—or variations thereof—I can never Google my name and get any significant results. Not that I do that sort of thing, mind you, but I did tonight and found it out the hard way.

By the way, don't do a Google search for "Drew Allen." Apparently there is some rando porno chick out there besmirching my good name.

Anywho, I decided to Google up my long-time internet moniker "drewesque" and found, aside that some youth pastor and jonny-come-lately from Washington state has decided to adopt that name too, apparently I wrote a "review" for the Shawshank Redemption in June of 1998. It was under, as few will remember—even my pre-thenihilst@aol.com days—my first email address: drewesque@aol.com.

It is funny, as I don't remember writing this at all, but I suppose time will do that to the memory. I hestitate to share it as the grammar is atrocious and I spelled the word "perfection" correctly once, then incorrectly a second time. The writing style doesn't seem at all like me—in fact it reads more like a 6th grade homework assignment—so I'm wondering if someone I knew from high school—possibly Jonny Hunter or Jasien Swords—was using me as an alias. Whatever.

But if you have time, check it out.

You may or may not be glad you did.

Also, of infinitesimal interest, some rando referenced this site in his blog.


Jeremy said...

Man, this post gets top marks in the Interesting category. I want to say that I have the vaguest recollection of that Shawshank review. (Vaguest - a word that seems dirty but isn't.) I'd venture to say that I remember you randomly typing it at my house, but my mind might be playing tricks on me. That was 18 days after graduation, and 11 days after we got back from Colorado Springs/Omaha. My point? This is a curious find.

As for the "Just Blog It" reference, I just don't know what to think of a person who is frightened and confused by the existence of Yahoo's search engine.

jasien said...

I DID NOT write that.