Friday, March 10, 2006

I've Got a Better Idea... Get the HELL Out!

The 2006 offseason may forever be remembered by the Steelers letting go of third-string quarterback and notorious choker, Tommy Maddox, otherwise considered by some to be the NFL's modern-day answer to John Gochnaur. (If you think I'm above making an antiquated reference like that, think again.) Seen here, Maddox childishly grapples with R-Kal Truluck after the play was called dead due to an offensive false start.

While Maddox leaves Pittsburgh to an otherwise cold and indifferent NFL free agency, his future may slip the surly bonds of respectability and cast its downtrodden eyes towards the bleak hope of an open roster slot on some nondescript Arena Football League or NFL Europe squad.

Although some may remember an "almost-average" Tommy Maddox from his 2001 rebirth with the Pittsburgh Steelers, we'll mainly remember his harrowing 1995 season with the New York Giants where, through 16 games, he completed 6 passes for a staggering 49 yards with 3 interceptions, 0 touchdowns, and a passer rating of—that's right—0.0! After being blackballed from the NFL for five seasons, the Steelers acquired Maddox who proved how cancerous his talent could be. From 2001 until last season his passer rating declined from 116.2 to 85.2 to 75.3 to 58.3 to finally 51.7 before the Steelers put him out of his professional misery.

So while Maddox may never be remembered for his "talent," his name will forever be enshrined with his NFL predecessors—the Tony Eason's, the Vince Ferragamo's, the Mike Tomczak's, and—yes, Virginia—the Neil Lomax's.


The Wrathful Buddha said...

Do you remember that one time he had two, yeah that's right, TWO fumbles in over time? Most importantly, he is allways throwing interceptions, and lets not forget his little fumble.

Jason said...

How dare you compare him to the NEIL!