Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Fascism Explained

I recieved this voicemail last night at 10:08 p.m. (April 19, 2005):

Hello Drew Allen this is Daniel ------, and I'm working now with, uh, Corey ----- from Student Activities and, um, he wanted me to call you and let you know that we we, uh, we reviewed all the movies already and, uh, we actually had to, they had to talk about yours for a long time and, um, actually a lot of people [inaudible words] counseling—people had to talk about it and, um, we—man we think it is an amazing movie and we really—like—we battled with really wanting to show it, but—and we definitely recognize your awesome work, you did just an amazing job and the content is excellent; we just think the context, it would not be wise for us to show it in the film fest, because of -----'s * recent death, ----- -----, and there's a lot of students at this time of the year who have suicide ideation and are dealing with that and this is something we've talked alot with the Counseling Center about and they just really feel like this would absolutely not be a good idea because it might, um, put those ideas in students' heads and might just be—you know—I mean the idea obviously could already be in their head or—we just don't want to take the chance, even if it is just one student, and we—again we recognize your awesome work, we just don't know if this would be the best context to show it , and—gosh—this would be perfect for another contest and, um, just on Corey's behalf I'm really sorry and sorry myself that we can't show it, but if you have any other questions you can call him and leave a voicemail on his office, it's ------------- or you can call his cell phone which is -------- And, um, just real sorry man—excellent work, man—good job—and I hope things work out to be able to submit it at another contest somewhere, because, really, I think that's awesome work. So, um, sorry man. Bye.

*Was the daughter of a LeTourneau professor who recently passed away due to heart complications.


Jason said...

Chief, that seriously sucks.

I'm really sorry. It may sound trite, but we'd still like really like to see it in some cerimonious fashion. Any chance of doing a festival of ONE? (We could always throw in some old home movies of li'l jay impressing his grandparents with his arithmetic abilities, or maybe a chubby paul allen at the spelling bee. Heck, those would probably have come in 2nd at the LeTourneau fest anyway!!!)


DREW! said...

There will be no going down this easily. At some later date, I will tell you the many reasons this situation is so strange.

Diplomacy begins at 3:30 this afternoon.

P.S. Jason, I would have preferred cynical outrage in lieu of your attempted sympathy. There, I said it. Happy now?

Amy Butler said...

Call me crazy, but I was expecting you to say that she had committed suicide. Heart complications? So death is a touchy subject? Isn't it always?

LeTourneau really doesn't have very much respect for their students if they think watching a film is going to make them want to commit suicide (unless it's a film like J-Lo Eyes.)

Bah to LeTourneau. Bah, I say.

Jason said...

Yeah, Amy's right. I could almost understand if she killed herself, but this? Are they thinking everybody's about to put a gun to their heads because of her death?

I guess I'm too far removed from the situation to give "cynical outrage." I'm just puzzled by it all. My sympathy is sincere (becaue it really does suck), though I hope you will not need it. I will try to sound more venomous in the future, though I'm not as good as Jeremy when it comes to murderous ramblings.