In recognition of my nephew—and his parents' fearless choosing of the name Jack despite all the taunting from naysayers—I have composed a collection of just a few notable Jacks from history to further prove why this moniker is a superlative choice.
Some esteemed Jacks of history include fast-food spokes-clown Jack of Jack in the Box fame:

Actor Jack "Here's Jonny" Nicholson:

Renowned "grumpy old man," Jack Lemmon:

Actor and aspiring musician Jack Black:

Author Jack London:

Author Jack Kerouac:

Professional golfer, that's right—the Golden Bear, Jack Nicklaus:

Ex-Steeler middle linebacker, Jack Lambert:

Fictional claymated character Jack Skellington:

and, of course, the Jack from a standard deck of playing cards:

An honorable mention of whiskey magnate Jack Daniels is also in order here:

What about the infamous dog breeder John "Jack" Russell?
Or, how about the first Black Heavyweight boxing champion Jack Johnson
Jack the Ripper is a pseudonym, so I guess it doesn't really count. And I won't even talk about "Evil" Jack
All you ever wanted to know about "Jack"
Man, you know we named him after Jack Lambert.
"That guy was great."
Why, Paul! You're not so dumb after all.
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