(For Marshall:)
bel-lows— (1) An apparatus for producing a strong current of air, as for sounding a pipe organ or increasing the draft to a fire, consisting of a flexible, valved air chamber that is contracted and expanded by pumping to force the air through a nozzle;
(2)Something, such as the pleated windbag of an accordion, that resembles this apparatus.
Someone please buy me one immediately. The good people at Northline Express can help you there.
Always popular is the basic oak wood-grain model:

Here is, what has been affectionately dubbed the "HMS Bellows:"

One with a little crest of an eagle always lifts my spirits:

A more archaic model for those who remember what it was like to live in Warren G. Harding's America:

And this alligator-skin model, I feel, is fairly sharp:

Or Jewish author Saul Bellows is always nice:

Hmm... what a good idea. Casually posting about what you want for Christmas... pictures included!
Someone get this man a bellows.
"A bellows" seems extremely weird.
Harry Potter has started Dumbledore's Army.
Please to remember Gil Bellows. Young punk. Mr. Rock and Roll.
Don't like having Kraft for a joke?
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